Author: domodanny

Dominique & Danny, mischievous duo going on mini adventures

Week 35 and she decides she’s evacuating

Here is our birth story:


  • Me
  • Danny
  • Kris (My doula)
  • Maggie (British Midwife)
  • Alison (back up Midwife)

Duration: 7 hours

On Friday November 21, 2014 I went to my chiropractor in the morning and I got a car wash. I got home and started working, then took a warm shower and a nap @ 3pm. I don’t recall if I was dreaming anything but I woke up and I felt like my period had started.


I quickly went to the bathroom and I saw blood so I grabbed a towel and put it between my legs. I called Danny on his cell and he left work immediately. I panicked because I couldn’t find the number for my midwives. I checked the website but they moved. My heart started racing because I wasn’t sure if the baby was still moving.

Finally I found an envelope on the floor with the new number to the midwives. I called and I had to call another number to page my midwife. I was advised to wait 10 minutes. I told the lady I was bleeding and she just repeated herself to wait 10 minutes. So then I called my doula, Kris and she told me to call her after I speak to my midwife but she said she is home just walking her dog.  Finally, I got a call back and Maggie was the line. DAMNIT.. I wish it were Erin instead. Maggie asks me “How much are you bleeding? A lot?”

“I don’t know, I have a towel between my legs. I’m not sure what is considered a lot.”

“Meet me at the hospital then, I can’t assess you on the phone.”

“Which one?”


So then I thought, well its not that much of an emergency since I would have gone to Credit Valley since it’s closer.

I tried to pack as much as I could in a bag and grabbed the baby bag just in case. I started to feel the baby move so I was relieved she didn’t die. I wasn’t in any pain. I met Danny in the lobby. He raced his car to the hospital and I kept reminding him there is no rush. Baby is moving. I’m not in any pain.

@ 5pm: We get to Trillium and Danny parks his car in the fire route. I’m more concerned about him getting a parking ticket. I get to the birthing floor and I see a couple filling out paperwork. The lady is clearly in labour. As I got to the counter, I was asked if I was Dominique and I confirmed. They said Maggie already called and I could make my way into one of the rooms.

I sat on the bed and two nurses came in to assess me. They took my towel and said my water broke. There’s more water than blood. However I have to wait until my midwife comes to see if she’s going to send me home (which I thought was going to happen.) Maggie showed up, then Kris showed up not long after. Maggie did a vaginal check, which I thought was so uncomfortable. I tried to breathe through it, but there was no way. It really tensed me up. I told her it felt like a really bad pap smear. Kris told me to breathe through it too, which I couldn’t.  Maggie said I was 3cm dilated and I was going to have the baby tonight. She was saying she was looking forward to watching Coronation Street but now that’s not happening. They placed a monitor on my stomach and were asking me if I was feeling anything. I said no.. but according to the monitor, I was having a contraction.


This picture doesn’t look right, but since I’m not in a hospital gown. I believe I was thinking “OMG I forgot this, this and that in my hospital bag.” and “I can’t believe I am going to have this baby now, I am supposed to be at home doing this.”

20141121_184334I was annoyed that I wasn’t able to move around since I am stuck with this monitor. Too bad I can’t upload the video Danny accidentally took of me in labour. I’m actually smiling.

Continuation of the labour: So time kinda flew by.. Danny bought me some star magazines which I didn’t even bother to read. I was looking at the clock and what was going on around me. There was no TV in the room, no radio.  A nurse came in to give me an IV with antibiotics because Demi was premature and Maggie wanted to do some blood work. I asked them if they could give me 20 minutes before they began because I wanted my EMLA patch to kick in. I do not like needles. Maggie said she’d give me 5 minutes and I watched the clock. Maggie was quick to do the blood work but the IV in my hand took longer and hurt more. The nurse did play an Enya song while she did do the IV so it wasn’t too bad.

Alex met Danny in the lobby to deliver the cord blood kit. I asked Danny if Alex brought anything else from home and he said no, he didn’t ask. So I texted Alex a huge list of things I needed. I asked Kris if she had a bag of goodies. She brought the TENS machine but because I was hooked up to a monitor, we were unable to use it.

list included:

  1. magic bag
  2. saje essential oils
  3. Sobakawa pillow
  4. Saje Eye mask
  5. Iphone charger
  6. Brookestone Alarm clock
  7. Ear plugs
  8. Beats by Dre headphones

So while I waited for Alex to arrive with my stuff, I chatted with Kris and Maggie about epidurals and learned people make the request for them before they even feel anything because its the norm. They laughed when I realized that I wouldn’t have to go to prenatal yoga since it was so uncomfortable and then I could go to le scandinave and sink in the hot tub and eucalyptus steam room. Nurses were saying I am an enigma because I was talking/laughing like a woman with an epidural but I didn’t have one.

I remember Danny picking up some Tim Horton donuts for everyone. Naturally, I couldn’t have any because I had an IV.

I was told to go to the washroom, even though I didn’t feel like I needed to go. I remember Danny had to hold my IV bag and I was very stern that it had to stay above my heart so I don’t get aneurysm.

After, I asked  if I could at least make some changes to the bed to make it more like I was sitting instead of lying down, so we all fiddled with that. Kris told me not to get up since Maggie left the room, just in case things changed. I desperately wanted to get up and walk around, my ass was starting to get numb. Kris told me not to rely on Alex bringing me my stuff since I think she believed that I was withholding getting this baby out. I guess I kinda was, but I knew that at some point in time, I will start to feel something before the baby comes out and I wanted to be prepared.

Once Alex arrived, I was able to relax. I listened to the Hypnobirthing affirmations since I was getting bored. I laughed because the voice kept saying “I eat right for my baby…” and I wasn’t able to eat anything at that moment.  I also felt bad because I ate mcDonalds not too long ago. I closed my eyes and listened to the Rainbow affirmations. According to Kris & Danny, they started to see some progress.

Maggie wanted to check on my progression. I was not looking forward to this since I already knew what this felt like.I asked her what kind of instrument she was using and she said she was just using her fingers. ARGH.  I felt like Demi was on her way out, but with this vaginal check, she moved right back up. 8cm dialated now.

Not too long after, I started to feel period cramps. I only felt the peaks of the contractions, never the beginning or the end so it seems. I sent Danny to get my magic bag heated, he came back and it felt so great. When I did feel the peaks, I would get my magic bag on my front for the period like cramps and counter pressure on my back from Kris or Maggie. Kris started using the counter pressure first and it wouldn’t last too long. Once Kris was busy and Maggie filled in. Maggie put a lot of pressure on which was great. I didn’t even tell her once that the peak subsided and she was like “Hey, it would have been nice if you told me earlier since I have stuff to do” LOL

Pain Factor: 4/10 It was more like a wave of tension and cramps. I was able to breathe through it and the thought of pain medication’ didn’t cross my mind, even though I was upset that I wasn’t delivering at Credit Valley since they have laughing gas. The IV was more painful to me.

Time for another washroom break. This time, I took the opportunity to do squats after I used the toilet since they told me not to move on the bed. As soon as I left the washroom, I felt like I had to take a giant poop, so walking to get back on the bed I needed assistance. I told Kris and Maggie that this baby is coming now.


So I got on the bed and they laid me down (Argh.. worst position ever to have a baby) and all these people came into the room. Maggie looked me in the eyes and said “Things aren’t going to get any easier from here on in, you will need to work” Danny told me he looked at Kris, and they were both thinking ‘You shouldn’t say that to a woman in labour.’ I decided to ignore what she said to me because I knew whatever I am going to feel will go away and I will feel normal again. They don’t last long. I felt like I had to take a giant poop and my body was automatically pushing. So I closed my eyes to concentrate and I was told to push. I tried to breathe the baby down twice for 2 pushes with grunting. Then I was told that was counterproductive. I wanted to squat, but they wouldn’t let me. They said the baby didn’t like that. I need to hold my breath like I am taking a giant POOOP and bear down. Total opposite of what I have been told to do in Hypnobirthing. I recall also being told to hold my legs up at the same time. I’m thinking ‘I can only do one thing at a time, breathe or hold.’ I got yelled at during each break period because they thought I was falling asleep. I had too much energy to sleep. I was just trying to relax and get ready for the next breath holding, which was difficult for me. I held my breath so much that I thought I’d pop blood vessels in my face. 10 real pushes later and she was out.I received an episiotomy in between pushes. I looked at the clock and I thought, this was probably because Maggie wanted her out before midnight. It was 11:30pm. Before she was out, I overheard Maggie saying to push past the “ring of fire.” She didn’t have to tell me that, I felt that I was near the end that’s all I needed to know. I overheard them saying “Danny, can you see the head,” and I yelled out “Don’t look, Danny!!!,” then Maggie said “Don’t listen to her.” Then she came out and Danny cut the cord, which I didn’t see..


When Demi came out, you can see that she’s crying and it was quite loud. She wasn’t on there for long because I needed the placenta to come out. It didn’t take that long. Just in one push.

Then Maggie started to stitch. I felt most of them because whatever she used to freeze, didn’t freeze all the way and I was telling her I could feel each time she poked that needle through. I’m sure it would have been more painful than it was, if I didn’t have all those good hormones going through my body.

Then she turned to Alison and asked if she did a good job and Alison concurred.


Then Alison gave us a biology tour of my placenta. Danny was grossed out. I was laughing my ass off. She had gloves on and showed us the inside out of it. Picking it up and flipping it inside out.


Kris is in the foreground, I think she was talking about how bad the toilets were in the hospital.

Alison is in the background. She was one of the midwives that presented at the home birthing seminar in October.

I got to take a wicked wheelchair ride to the NICU to see my WHAT? Blond baby?? Are you sure that’s mine?

She’s on a CPAP machine which is equivalent to the machine my Aunt Lisette uses so she doesn’t snore.


Big premature baby



I had to stay in the hospital for for 2 nights to make sure I was ok. I felt fine. After cramps were more uncomfortable and the nurses kept asking me if I wanted any “pain relief”. I didn’t take any because I wanted to breastfeed.  The only thing that sucked was when I peed and the stinging from the stitches. Even when I used the peri bottle. After I wiped, I didn’t feel anything. Danny slept on a chair next to my bed.

On Saturday, Danielle, Luke, My Mom & Dad came to visit us first. Julie & Shaun & Keegan came to visit us mid afternoon. Sharon & Dom came to visit us in the evening.

Breastfeeding or pumping was 100x easier with the hospital grade pump, hand expression was just too uncomfortable.

Midwife appointment

I took Danny with me this time because he needed a note that says I’m preggo.

Today’s urine test indicated that I had some glucose in my pee but Erin didn’t seem so concerned because I did have a sugary gummy fish before I came in. What? Its Omega 3 DHA gummy since fish oil tastes disgusting. Although, this thing is covered in sugar.  Maybe that’s why the baby is so excited when we go for our exam. Erin said her butt is to my right and her heel is what is sticking out near my belly button. She’s totally running out of room and she had a growth spurt. I measured 36 weeks even though I’m 35 tomorrow.  Her heart rate is still on the high side but she’s crazy active. Maybe when she’s relaxed, her heart rate will go down.

Josie, my neighbour on the 7th floor said she’ll get me some swimmies so we can take her swimming and she offered to babysit for free. How sweet! 🙂 I told her I might drop her off to shower, if no one else is around to watch her.

So my next appointment, I’m doing the GBS test. It’s a swab in my woman area and butt that I do myself. If I had an OB, they do it in the office themselves. So it’s nice that the midwives let me do it myself and I just give them the swab in a bag.

Then after that, they come do a home visit just like in the “Call the Midwife” show.

10 Things I will miss about this Pregnancy

1. Watching people’s reactions when they feel the baby move around in my stomach

2. Rubbing my belly when she moves around

3. baby1

4. Tummy massages with Mother’s Wellness oil

5. Daily hour long naps

6. Snoogle pillow

7. Comparing belly girth with Alex

8. Feeling my belly button since its so weird that its almost sticking out now

9. Surprising people with my ability to keep walking or standing or moving heavy objects

10. Hiccups in my stomach

Week 34


Not much has changed this week. I have a very active little girl inside. She can’t wait to come out and play. I do wish I could kiss my stomach like Danny can or talk to her directly. In the meantime, I’m feeding her and massaging the outside of my stomach, feeling around when she’s kicking so she knows her mommy is there.  Lower back feels great, I think the Chiro is helping me. I see him once a week now. Naps are still the norm. I love sleeping so its ok to me. getting up to pee 2x a night. some nights its hard to fall back asleep so I eat an apple and read parts of a book.

I find that when i’m about to fall asleep, Danny’s face is turned to me and he starts breathing loudly, so that’s when I move to the other side of the bed and that seems to work.

I bought some wooden clothes hangers from Solutions so I can start washing some baby clothes and start a hospital bag, just in case, she decides to come early. I made some padsicles (pads with aloe vera & witch hazel) for post partum recovery. We finally bought a car seat and a play pen with bassinet and changing pad. I also find a doula to encapsulate the placenta and a birth pool. I just need to put my deposit in.

As soon as Danny clears out the baby room and we get our new bed and put up curtains in the closet. I’m pretty much ready for the baby. I am slowly decluttering the place to make room for all the baby stuff. I probably won’t need most of it but we will see when she gets here.

Maternity / Paternal leave is really confusing so Danny is trying to figure that out. At my work, all I have to do is tell them when I get my first EI payment so they top me up. My boss does all the leg work. Danny’s work doesn’t do squat and they don’t top him up either so he’s calling around trying to get answers.  We want to take time off at the same time, but it doesn’t seem like that is going to happen. So far, it seems there is no overlapping.


I forgot to show some of our maternity photos we took with Kenji at 31 weeks. This is me showing off the bump.

I’ve gained 27lbs since Jamaica.. and Danny gained the same.. so I’m glad we are both gaining weight but I think it’s because he’s obsessed with eating out so much and not making foods at home. Ronit gave us a lot of pasta, so he did make a pasta dish over the weekend and I just finished eating that now. Hopefully, we can move onto more vegetable dishes but tonight, he is craving Chinese food.

week 33



I saw Erin on Tuesday. My favorite of the midwives. She asked me which I prefer delayed cord clamping or blood collection. I still have to make a decision. I think if Demi comes early, delayed cord clamping would be preferred. I paid for the collection of tissue and blood, so tissue won’t be affected by the delayed cord clamping.  Also I found out the midwife I’m not too fond of is not working over the holidays.. YAY for me.. but I do get another midwife who I haven’t met yet. I was a bit concerned because the home birth seminar said if the baby’s heart rate is too high, they would like to go to the hospital to do continuous monitoring. Erin said she has some kind of device to check every 15 minutes, but its not ideal and I should keep an open mind just in case I do end up in the hospital. I’ll have to set up a hospital bag just in case.  Baby’s heart rate is always on the high side.. 150-160.. 160 being the max, however Erin was feeling around and she said that Demi is super active. Head is still down, kicking legs and arms all over the place in my uterus. She would only be concerned if she was totally still and the heart rate was high.

As for me, I feel dehydrated at night so I need to start drinking more. I gained more weight 😦 so I was told to lay off the sugars… ie. JUICE.. and freshly squeezed OJ and pineapple juice has been my cryptonite. I started making smoothies again too.. lots of fruit = sugar. HEY.. Halloween just passed too… so come on.. Halloween mini candy 🙂   on the plus side, Erin said I still have super tough ab muscles so it was hard for her to determine where Demi’s head was located until I 100% completely relaxed.  She even asked if I am continuing to work out and I laughed..ummmm NO 🙂

No exercise the past two weeks since I skipped Yoga.. maybe this week I’ll get back into swimming and get some yoga in.

Wednesday Night, Mikey & Jeremiah came from MTL to say goodbye to Ronit & Randy. They are moving to Seattle but they will be back to visit the baby. We had dinner with them & Sharon & Dom at Scaddabush. I love that place for Italian food.

This morning, Mikey, Jeremiah and I picked up the blood cord collection kit at Insception and I dropped them off at Keele station so they can meet Sharon for lunch.

***Alex became an Uncle November 1***


Week 32



It’s not really obvious but the left side is slightly higher because my baby likes to push some kind of body part on that side. I try to catch it and determine what it is but she likes to hide it after a few tries.



This is 1/4th of the packages that the midwives bring to your home or hospital room for the birth. Hopefully, they don’t have to use most of it.  Danny came to the new clinic with me for a Home Birth Seminar. My biggest fear is ending up in the hospital and I am totally looking forward to being pampered.  It was about a 2 hour session and really informative especially since there is an Ebola scare in the world right now so the hospitals are taking extra precautions now. You can only have one care provider with you and sometimes they might have to wear a hazmat suit to deliver your baby. This doesn’t sound like the most ideal situation for me.  I don’t want Demi to come into this world freaked out. I love having midwives because it gives me an option where most women don’t have one when they choose to go with an OB.

I started seeing a Chiropractor this week. His name is Bruce Lambert. He is really good with children and pregnant women. This week has been more difficult on my lower back. I went for a massage on Sunday and my shoulders and butt were super super sensitive sore when I was getting massaged. After my Chiro adjustment, I haven’t had that water breaking sensation anymore which I think is good. One night though, I did feel some strange period cramps that radiated through my back.. but I was able to sleep through it and haven’t felt it since.

I’m peeing twice a night, every 3 hours almost like clockwork.

I still need my afternoon naps.

Cravings: pineapple, freshly squeeze orange juice from Cousins, grapes, coconut anything

Baby room now has some nifty closet so I can finally put all the baby clothes and baby accessories in there. I need to get some baby wooden hangers.

Then we need a new bed. We are looking at organic ones since I don’t want anything off gassing.

Now, Danny is shopping for a bathroom vanity so we can bathe the baby inside.



Week 31


This weekend, the talented Carrie drew on my belly so that we would win a contest on Facebook. I think its a popularity contest now because some people have over 500 votes and their images aren’t nearly as great as this one.

We also did some Maternity shots with Kenji in Badlands. It was so packed full of people but Kenji did a great job removing them.

As for baby news, I went to see a replacement midwife since Kathleen was sick. She said the baby is measuring perfectly but she seemed concerned the heart rate was high.. 155-160 beats per minute, but then when she looked at the historical data.. her heart rate was always that high.. She must be awfully busy inside kicking up  a storm to reach that heart rate. I know when I’m at 170 on the treadmill, I want to die because I’m gasping for air. I can’t keep that heart rate for very long..

Yesterday, for the first time I thought I might be going into early labour while shopping at Whole Foods. I was walking and I felt like I had a bubble of water in my crotch that was about to  burst. I had to stop and tell the baby that its not the right time yet. We don’t have a car seat or your closet ready yet and I know for sure, she doesn’t want to come out in this world in a hospital. If she’s anything like me, she’d want to come out with spa like atmosphere and the smell of her daddy’s yummy cooking.  This happened again when I was walking at Vaughan Mills mall with Carrie.

I noticed that it goes away the minute I sit down. I figured I’d call the midwives if this persists but today I haven’t felt it yet. This morning, I woke up thinking that I am not drinking enough water and that’s probably why I’m feeling that. They said if you are dehydrated, you will feel more braxton hicks and my lips are dry… so time to drink up..



week 30.. no way!

It’s hard for me to imagine being 30 weeks pregnant but here I am.

I’m still tired, and have to pee but other than that I actually enjoy all the little movements I feel inside, especially when I start to worry there won’t be any movements. Then out of nowhere, pow pow pow.. and I’m like yes, communication 🙂

My belly button is like halfway sticking out now.. I’m only posting this for my memory.. I always thought if I had tight abs, my belly button would look awesome. Now, I am starting to think otherwise since its going to be nearly flush with my stomach. I think I’d rather have the hidden innie. Alex still has a bigger belly than me. We did a measure comparison. His sister is expecting a baby next month. She’s having a boy. I’ll post a photo of them comparing bellies.



Sleep: I sleep ALOT.. and I get up once in the middle of the night to pee and drink some water. Thanksgiving leftovers have kept Danny from eating out. He made a ridiculous amount of sides this year to bring to my mom’s so I’ve eaten that. He even recreated the mac & cheese I made him last Friday.

I’ve been swimming twice this week because prenatal yoga wasn’t on Monday due to Thanksgiving. Tonight, we meet a potential family doctor, and after that I can register to bank the cord blood. I will be using Insception since its the oldest company around and I decided to renew every year because I know that the cord blood seems to be useful to children not adults and what if ten years from now, they talk about it being b.s. Then I wouldn’t have wasted $3k on storage like they want. We already dropped down $5k on blinds, $5k on custom closets and now we have to renovate the bathroom and finish the kitchen before the baby arrives ’cause I don’t even want to bother doing all that and just focus on her when she’s here 🙂

Anything new? Sharp pains come in go in the crotch region. I am not sure what that is about and its not like I can do anything about it because once I start to think about it.. PooOof gone.

Cravings: last night I wanted a soft serve ice cream.. ended up at Mc Donalds and watched Alex scarf down a Big Mac then proceeded to eat a chocolate sundae. Danny ordered the same thing with extra chocolate. I took both their nut bags cause I love nuts on my ice cream.. tee hee. Also on Friday Morning, I dreamt I ate a chocolate chip cheesecake.. ya that never happened in real life.. so much for the husband getting the wife whatever she craves.

I should redo this questionnaire I was given:

Do you have stretch marks: not yet
Have you heard the heartbeat: yes.. so strong 🙂
Have you had any u/s: 4

About the Birth
Will you keep the baby: duh!
Home or Hospital: Home
Natural or Medical: Natural if I can help it
Who will be in the delivery room: Danny
Will you breastfeed: yes
Do you think you’ll need a c-section: I hope not
Will you cry when you hold your baby for the 1st time: maybe
Will you videotape the birth: hell no
Are you scared or excited for the birth: excited.. why am I scared of a 10 month build up of missed period cramps?

I’m more scared of catching some life threatening disease in the hospital and those needles.

Comments on my bod.. well no one has said anything to make me sad yet, since I’ve got “are you expecting twins?” to “you’re stomach is still tiny @ 7months” in the same day so everything I take with a grain of salt.

I’ve been watching “Call the Midwife” on Netflix. Great series. btw. I teared up today when I watched the episode where this man was so in love with his wife that when she delivered the baby and the baby was black, he never questioned her. Obviously, they were a white couple.

What Grinds my gears: When I read or hear such negative stories about childbirth or parenting. People assuming, you will have trouble breastfeeding, you will be in excruciating pain, etc.. I know I haven’t been through it yet, but just as some people have wonderful pregnancies, others have horrible ones too but that doesn’t mean that you will too. I don’t like it when people discourage other people for their own sick personal pleasure. I think everyone should just be positive and positive things will happen.. ie. The Secret 🙂 My pregnancy started off bad in my head, but in all honesty… its hasn’t been that bad at all.. sometimes I forget I’m pregnant, then I look in the mirror and “Oh ya.. that’s there :)”  and for breastfeeding, I plan on getting a lactation consultant as soon as the baby is born. If you enlist in the help of professionals, then there’s no worry 😀

Things to look forward to:  I am looking forward to thanking all the people who gave me such positive help throughout my journey and helping those who were reluctant to go through it as I was. I am also looking forward to having a home and a new person in my life to make new memories with. As for the birth, heated toilet seats, eating deliciousness from Danny’s kitchen, massages, hair play, warm water, hot shower, heated pads, aromatherapy, candle light & soothing music. Yes, it sounds like i am going to a spa, and that’s exactly how I picture my birth 🙂



week 29..

I think I skipped a week but I was sooo busy with work..


so I gained the weight back.. 160lbs but its been like two weeks and now the baby is 2.5lbs I think.. HA. I have no real excuse. Danny has been getting take out all this week from Swiss Chalet, to Pizza, to Shwarmas, to Whole Foods, to Thai food to Japanese food to  Lahore Tikka house to Noodle Wok to McDonalds,etc.

Wed. Oct 1. I went swimming with Carrie & Shane. Oddly enough, Carrie’s swimsuit along with mine changed colours the next day. I inquired with the front desk and they said the pool was changed that morning. I wonder if they stuck bleach in it. They said it was still salt water. I read online that if you don’t rinse your swim suit right away, then it may change colours. Shane’s swimsuit was fine.

Sat. Oct 4. I went to Nuit Blanche. This year, Danny and I started at Fort York. We ran into Frohlich at Bloor & Ossington then Carrie & Shane when it came time to eat. We ate at Manpuku across from the AGO. Shane wasn’t into that type of food so Mc Donalds for him at the food court and Carrie got, what smelled like a delicious waffle.  I wanted one, but I was too full.

This year, the line ups were crazy. The streets were packed. We did a lot of walking but I needed to stop for frequent breaks to pee. Maybe next year, I’ll sleep in and then start late so I can see it all without crazy line ups.

Sun. Oct 5. 10 people table on the 2nd floor of Lahore Tikka: Rob, Briar, Hayden, Kiera, Mev, Frohlich, Scott, Brittany, Danny & I

Mon. Oct. 6. I went to see my Midwife at their new location near South Common Mall. I got to see Kathleen, who was the first midwife I saw. She is really nice and she was happy to hear that I wanted to do a home birth. She said it was a lot cleaner at home anyways and more comfortable. Everything is going really well. She said to keep an eye out for early labour, or lack of movement. Good thing the baby keeps moving around or at least I know how to make her move around.. ie. lying on my back or eating something incredibly yummy.

Then that evening, I took a prenatal yoga class @ Birth yoga.

I felt like the teacher, who happens to be the owner wasn’t really into feeling the vibe of the other pregnant women. We were going downward dogs, pigeon pose, trying to touch our toes with our hands ( are you serious? There is a bowling ball size of a person inside of me), etc.. with the downward dog pose, I could feel the blood rush to my face. Other poses made me want to throw up. I figured the class was catered to preggos and we would be doing stretching and breathing.  There was no breathing and this class was way worse than what I do in the gym when I lift weights.  I’ll try the class again with another teacher. I’m kinda of glad I am not using her as a doula ’cause she doesn’t seem like she’s intuitive. I remember in yoga birthing class, she gave this lady shit for chilling in the hot tub too long. She told her to get out or her labour wont progress and she’ll end up with a c-section and she did. This is totally the opposite of what I am learning in Hypnobirthing, where they want you to be relaxed so that you can breathe through the contractions and let your body do the rest.

Tues. Oct. 7. new blinds installed.. I love the living room ones, the bedroom isn’t quite as black out as I thought they would be. another note: Danny got his car towed.. grrrrr

Wed. Oct 8. got my first Brazilian wax across the street at Beauty Outlet. $35. kinda awkward, but whatever.. I figured it would be good to get it done just in case the baby comes early and I have to get an episiotomy or some kind of stitching. The esthetician told me that women love to scream when they get it done. This made me think that perhaps I do have a strong threshold for pain. Although, I cannot stand the pain when Danny tries to pop a pimple on my back or get a needle.

Then I went to Japanese class. Danny has been kind enough to drive me 🙂

We dropped by my mom’s place after and on my way out, carrying more baby gifts, I fell down the stairs. I thought I had reached the last step but clearly I didn’t. I used my knees to take the force of the fall and dropped all the boxes on the ground. I stood up with scraped knees and walking a bit funny. Good thing I had a first aid kit in the car, so I can bandage myself up. Last time, I fell on my knees, I was 5-6 years old at R.J Lang and I watched some Asian kid swing on the circular rings and I wanted to try it. I grabbed the first one, but lost my grip on the second and the next thing I knew I was on the ground with stinging knees. My teacher, Mrs.McDonald put me on the bus back home after she bandaged my knees.

I’ve been writing too much.. so quickly i’ll jot down this week changes…


daily naps, once a night pee sessions but difficult to fall back asleep, oh sometimes HUNGRY so I get a snack late at night, my right upper bottom rib hurts if i sit too long not because of the baby, a massage will make it go away, baby is head down and movements I feel can be a butt or leg, I usually rub that area, oh a few times I woke up at night to my leg being numb, but I’ll turn to the other side to make it go away. Nausea is hit or miss depending on the day.. I predict I will probably puke on D Day (Delivery) Belly button is still an innie.

Science centre – week 28

During week 28, I went to the Science Center with Michelle, Dwayne’s cousin and their children (Sky & Xavier) . I went with them because Michelle got me a 50% discount and all I wanted to see was this exhibit. In the past, they had way more fetuses. It was interesting to see the baby on the left is 28 weeks and that is inside of me. I kept looking at my stomach thinking how is this even possible. She must be all squished inside.



And this is what happened to my body, which explains why I have to pee so frequently and I can’t eat as much. Look at how big my stomach was to now and my poor bladder.
