
week 33



I saw Erin on Tuesday. My favorite of the midwives. She asked me which I prefer delayed cord clamping or blood collection. I still have to make a decision. I think if Demi comes early, delayed cord clamping would be preferred. I paid for the collection of tissue and blood, so tissue won’t be affected by the delayed cord clamping.  Also I found out the midwife I’m not too fond of is not working over the holidays.. YAY for me.. but I do get another midwife who I haven’t met yet. I was a bit concerned because the home birth seminar said if the baby’s heart rate is too high, they would like to go to the hospital to do continuous monitoring. Erin said she has some kind of device to check every 15 minutes, but its not ideal and I should keep an open mind just in case I do end up in the hospital. I’ll have to set up a hospital bag just in case.  Baby’s heart rate is always on the high side.. 150-160.. 160 being the max, however Erin was feeling around and she said that Demi is super active. Head is still down, kicking legs and arms all over the place in my uterus. She would only be concerned if she was totally still and the heart rate was high.

As for me, I feel dehydrated at night so I need to start drinking more. I gained more weight 😦 so I was told to lay off the sugars… ie. JUICE.. and freshly squeezed OJ and pineapple juice has been my cryptonite. I started making smoothies again too.. lots of fruit = sugar. HEY.. Halloween just passed too… so come on.. Halloween mini candy 🙂   on the plus side, Erin said I still have super tough ab muscles so it was hard for her to determine where Demi’s head was located until I 100% completely relaxed.  She even asked if I am continuing to work out and I laughed..ummmm NO 🙂

No exercise the past two weeks since I skipped Yoga.. maybe this week I’ll get back into swimming and get some yoga in.

Wednesday Night, Mikey & Jeremiah came from MTL to say goodbye to Ronit & Randy. They are moving to Seattle but they will be back to visit the baby. We had dinner with them & Sharon & Dom at Scaddabush. I love that place for Italian food.

This morning, Mikey, Jeremiah and I picked up the blood cord collection kit at Insception and I dropped them off at Keele station so they can meet Sharon for lunch.

***Alex became an Uncle November 1***


Week 31


This weekend, the talented Carrie drew on my belly so that we would win a contest on Facebook. I think its a popularity contest now because some people have over 500 votes and their images aren’t nearly as great as this one.

We also did some Maternity shots with Kenji in Badlands. It was so packed full of people but Kenji did a great job removing them.

As for baby news, I went to see a replacement midwife since Kathleen was sick. She said the baby is measuring perfectly but she seemed concerned the heart rate was high.. 155-160 beats per minute, but then when she looked at the historical data.. her heart rate was always that high.. She must be awfully busy inside kicking up  a storm to reach that heart rate. I know when I’m at 170 on the treadmill, I want to die because I’m gasping for air. I can’t keep that heart rate for very long..

Yesterday, for the first time I thought I might be going into early labour while shopping at Whole Foods. I was walking and I felt like I had a bubble of water in my crotch that was about to  burst. I had to stop and tell the baby that its not the right time yet. We don’t have a car seat or your closet ready yet and I know for sure, she doesn’t want to come out in this world in a hospital. If she’s anything like me, she’d want to come out with spa like atmosphere and the smell of her daddy’s yummy cooking.  This happened again when I was walking at Vaughan Mills mall with Carrie.

I noticed that it goes away the minute I sit down. I figured I’d call the midwives if this persists but today I haven’t felt it yet. This morning, I woke up thinking that I am not drinking enough water and that’s probably why I’m feeling that. They said if you are dehydrated, you will feel more braxton hicks and my lips are dry… so time to drink up..



25 weeks


So this drink didn’t taste as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Tastes like the orange drink you get at mc Donald’s.
I sat on a leather couch for an hour until my blood test. I felt ok. I read Ina mays book on childbirth.

Turns out midwives have no clue what the sex is so we booked an appointment for an ultrasound at UC 3D

3 month mark



You’d think that once I reach the 3 month mark, all my horrible symptoms would go away.

Well, they aren’t as consistent. They are still there.

1. I’m still exhausted and now since I am working from home, I can take a nap at lunch instead of going to the gym as I usually did

2. I still feel nauseated if I don’t eat immediately when I’m hungry, but it comes and goes. I haven’t thrown up since the last time I threw up which was week 9.

3. I get cramps occasionally

4. Indigestion but no constipation which is a common thing for preggos.

5. Because I’m tired all the time, I’ve been lazy. I haven’t cleaned, or washed anything. I rely on poor Danny to do all that.  I don’t even want to leave my place. I’d rather just sit on the couch and watch “OITNB or the Goldbergs, or Drunk History” Anything to distract me from feeling so crappy.

6. I’m bloated and gaining weight because I am not hitting the gym and its making me depressed.

7. Pants don’t fit so if I do go out, I’m either wearing a dress or Danny’s sweat pants. I feel like I should join the people of walmart.

8. I haven’t been to my Japanese lessons in a while and I cancelled my usual Friday 13th horror movie night with Lisa & Alex cause I fee l so blah.

9. I get up to pee all the time

10. Sleeping is difficult, I’m tired but its so hard for me to fall asleep now. I use ear plugs, listen to nature sounds and have an eye mask on. I can’t sleep on my back too long cause its get uncomfortable and if I sleep on my side, my stomach starts to hurt.

Danny just came by on his lunch break for 5 minutes to give me half a burrito and he picked up my Clairsonic from the security desk.

Yes, I bought this expensive thing to make me feel better since I feel like I’m headed downhill in regards to my body image.