week 27

teddy bear

This week I learned my baby is about the size of a teddy bear. I feel more movement than before because I think the space inside is getting smaller. I also dropped some more weight. 157lbs to 155lbs because I knew I couldn’t sustain that Florida weight. I want my weight to go down and baby’s to go up. I am honestly, not trying to lose weight. I ate like a pig yesterday at Memphis Fire BBQ in Stoney Creek. Those ranch fries are like heaven in my mouth and probably over 1,200 calories.

I was hoping to up my exercise. On Thursday, I went to the gym. I did some arm weights. I noticed she doesn’t move as much when I’m at work, but a lot more when I am at home. I also went swimming on Saturday with Danny and went on a walk around the block. It was nice outside. We went on a walk after the baby show at the Direct Energy center.

I picked up a belly bandit to slim my tummy after the birth and we got this cute owl lullaby sleep soother for the crib. I also crashed a baby shower that was being hosted. I crashed it because I couldn’t find any official email that stated I should be there nor was I on the list. It was like a real baby shower where we measured tummies. I was the one that was furthest along in pregnancy at my table.. 21 weeks vs. 27 weeks and this woman who was 21 weeks with a boy measure a finger nail shorter than me. I guess I am not as big as I thought I might be.  I got a bag full of baby toys and had chances to win a $5k baby room set and other gifts. I’d feel so guilty if I had won since I wasn’t technically supposed to be there. I always feel that someone else probably needs it more than me. I enjoyed the sandwiches, free cookies, cake and flavoured water as well as the conversations I had with the other pregnant ladies around me.


I am totally going to get a bunch of blue onesies for my little baby. I can’t wait to see her little feet and hands.

We have so many baby clothes, teethers, toys, swaddlers, books, soothers, bottles & blankets from the party. It’s awesome.

We just need to get :

stroller – Danny wants this one that collapses at the push of a button.

car seat – They have cute Paul Frank ones, but it doesn’t look safe to me

car mirror  – I was totally looking forward to getting this, but it wasn’t picked up… no big deal, I’ll get it. We have toy r us gift cards

rubber covers for the glass baby bottles – Danny broke two of them already

baby scale from Withings – I love being able to monitor weight online

baby monitor from Withings – I love this idea that my mom can sing the baby to sleep in her crib from her iphone/ipad

crib – I don’t need this right away since I don’t plan on putting the baby in it for a while

Playyard – this thing is cool cause its like a 4 in one. day bed, changing table, basinet, day crib and you can pack it away and bring it somewhere else. I like that its machine washable too.


a little about week 27.. nausea made its appearance right at the beginning of it.. on and off, but not as bad as the first trimester. I don’t need those wrist bands anymore.

Exhaustion has come back. I can easily take 2 naps during the day and sleep at night. I always seem to wake up at night and have a hard time going back to bed cause I have all these thoughts going on. I only need to pee once and that depends on how much I drink.   Nothing else..

my belly button is still an innie.

I can still wear my non pregnant stretchy pants

ooh I forgot about indigestion.. I seem to have gotten away with mixing dairy and stuff in 2nd trimester, but this 3rd one.. ya forget that.. my tummy will hurt. I can survive it though. All I can say is that heated toilet seats and heated water make my life so much easier.

no headaches 🙂

brown line is still there, its not really dark. no stretch marks.

Danny does a pretty good job at night, oiling and massaging my tummy.

I dont know if i mentioned this earlier, veins everywhere… especially on my chest.

Oh I went for a bra fitting at Victoria Secrets, only because i haven’t had one since I was 13.. I went up two cup sizes.. D

I wonder if I was a C before cause Carrie is saying there is no way I’ve been a B this whole entire time. I thought my bras were comfy, but with the proper size now, its like I am not even wearing one.

Baby Shower Success!

I know this is a bit late but its better late than never. It’s late because the clean up was hectic from this party. I didn’t think I’d receive all these wonderful gifts. This little baby got more gifts than I ever did for any party I threw.  This was one epic baby shower though. We had a lot of people show. I’m thinking in the 60s range. We played games (sculpt-it, bingo, baby bottle drinking contest, blind fold diapering contest) with lots of prizes.


beer We had a decorate a onesie section.

 onesie girlsWe also had a photo booth courtesy of Kenji. Kenji also took all these wonderful photos.

Everyone had a cupcake to eat and inside I put strawberry cream filling because we are having a baby girl.

I couldn’t be more happier and neither can my mom or sister. My mom loves to make barbie doll dresses.

Danny’s sisters think that  its perfect that he is having a little girl to take care of. I think that he will have a little helper in the kitchen for dinner and she can help me bake some yummies that she wants to eat. I am so excited to have someone to share in my pen obsession, smelly markers and stickers. Carrie is looking forward to finger painting with her. We have so many plans 🙂

26 weeks along

so my early butterfly kicks have been replaced by baby doing somersaults  or so it feels.

Today, I lost some weight even though that worries Danny. I had to explain that I can’t sustain that weight I gained in Florida because I will not be eating greasy burgers everyday especially since we are eating more at home.

I lost about 2lbs.. so from 159 to 157 and I am hoping it will go further down when I start exercising. I haven’t done anything because I caught Danny’s cold and I’m preparing for this epic party. I have 75 people confirmed.

This is day 3 of this cold. It started 5 days ago for Danny and he started with the dripping nose and congestion. When I caught it, it was sore throat all the way, then painful chest cough, then congestion.

My Japanese lessons start tonight but I don’t want anyone catching this from me so I decided to go next week. I want to get as much sleep as I can. Speaking of sleep, due to the somersaults on my bladder, I wake up to pee a lot. It doesn’t seem to affect my sleep though, I can usually fall back asleep and I don’t wake up feeling like I haven’t slept.

Honeymoon period is nearly over and I never got my extra energy like people say you do, I hope the 3rd trimester doesn’t change much.  NO gestational diabetes for me. that makes me super super happy.

I don’t know if I mentioned this last post, but Danny got laid off from his job, well not just him, they axed the whole US side of his company. This week is all about interviews for him.


3D Ultrasound = one scary looking being

UC BABY_0009

we saw some pretty cute pictures so I’m surprised she didn’t save them for us. Danny and I saw our lil ninja sucking a thumb and use the placenta as a pillow.
I’m glad to report that the baby doesn’t appear to be unisex, I’d still love the baby anyways and name him/her Dylan since its a unisex name.
I won’t reveal what we are having since I’m waiting for the gender reveal party but so far, only Carrie, Danny and I know. We took pictures in the party room after reading what was in the envelope that they gave us.

I’m disappointed I was wrong in my assumption, yet I am SUPER happy that I actually got what I wanted so that’s all I am going to say for right now.


It’s so weird knowing since now we can actually envision what we will do with our little baby like possible hobbies.

On another note, I gained 22lbs since I got pregnant so I am trying to watch what I eat. Danny got laid off from his job before Florida so he’s looking for a new one, yet still wants to eat out every day. I want him to gain weight but I don’t want to participate in that.

Cravings: Still watermelon, salads, vitamin infused drink from the keurig machine

Symptoms: I’m still tired, no more nausea 🙂 boobs aren’t sensitive anymore, but its really weird having a gut. I keep forgetting and bend forward like usual, then I squish my baby and apologize. I wonder what my stomach looked like before.

Since I haven’t heard from my midwives, I assume I passed the gestational diabetes test. OH THANK GOD.. I really didnt want to prick my finger every day. I dont like needles.

25 weeks


So this drink didn’t taste as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Tastes like the orange drink you get at mc Donald’s.
I sat on a leather couch for an hour until my blood test. I felt ok. I read Ina mays book on childbirth.

Turns out midwives have no clue what the sex is so we booked an appointment for an ultrasound at UC 3D

Florida trip @ 6 months


So the baby is about the size of a butternut squash. Lots of people in Florida don’t hesitate to ask me if I know what I’m having. I don’t and I’m kinda glad so they don’t project their stereotypical sexist remark.

Anyways, on to the baby. Lots more activity lately especially after I swim or get into an argument with Danny. I wonder if the baby will remember what we were arguing about because I will 🙂
You know when you stick your finger in your belly button and sometimes you get that sharp feeling that you might have to pee? Well I don’t get that anymore. I think my belly button is going to smooth out or pop. That brown line people talk about is starting to show. I hope it doesn’t get darker.
I’m still tired but nausea hits every few days now which is nice. Other than that, I don’t have any issues.

Check out “what babies want” on YouTube. I’m really focused on having a home birth now since I want this baby to arrive in complete comfort and feeling protected with love.


Tonight’s craving : apple juice

We had two hypnobirthing sessions. Danny gets bored to death. It’s supposed to be 2 1/2 hours but she extends it to 3 and last class was 3 hours and 15 minutes. Danny bolted to the door. I don’t blame him for not wanting to come back. There isn’t much to do for him. It’s all relaxation techniques for me. Hypnobirthing is like my favorite part of yoga: savasna!

Yesterday’s class we put ourselves into the minds of the baby and tried to answer some questions about our parents, life on the outside, am I being feed enough? Etc… Really put things in perspective for me. I can’t wait to eat this little babies feet.

Oh ya.. Another ultrasound on Tuesday and more pictures. The technician just said I got all the pictures I need. Didn’t tell us the sex so I’m not sure if we will find out.

And on another note,
Carrie made some wicked invitations for our baby shower. I mailed them out tonight and I need to print more.

week 21 tomorrow


Today we got to meet the last midwife, her name is Erin.  She is awesome.

Her and I are totally on the same page when it comes to this baby and luckily, she said she is on call for Xmas holidays 🙂 Fingers crossed that she shows up to my birth.

She answered all my questions in regards to the birth and left me with some things to think about.

Delayed cord clamping or Cord blood storage.. and cord blood storage or delivering the baby in water, since its difficult to do so and I completely understand why.

So I have to get another ultrasound because the images weren’t clear about proper blood flow to the baby’s heart and they were unable to determine the sex. The baby has a very strong heart beat so I’m pretty sure the baby is getting blood. 

Next appointment, I’ll have to get my blood glucose checked. Entirely my choice since there is a family history. I love how the midwives will give me options since its not a requirement. 

IPS testing came back negative.. 1 in 20,000 chance that the baby will be born with down syndrome. This was a concern because of the recent story about this surrogate couple in Australia. baby gammy

I was surprised when Danny said he would keep the baby since those were the cards he was dealt. It just made me love him more. I’m sure there will be a lot more things I will learn about him as this baby arrives. I know I’ve been with him for 14 years already but I’m still discovering who he is. 

WEIGHT: according to the midwives, i gained 5lbs since my last appointment.. but to be fair, i am wearing more clothes.. 

according to my scale, checked first thing in the morning and naked.. I’ve only gained 13lbs this whole pregnancy.. and i’m half way, so its not that bad.. as long as i don’t hit 200lbs or weigh more than Danny… so he better start putting on weight..

CRAVINGS: well right now, I am eating a greek pasta salad that Danny made me on demand.  I’ve had creme brulee ice cream (one scoop) with whipped cream and peanuts and cranberries and dried fruit on top, two nights in a row.. just cause.. I had quiche for breakfast and lunch.. I am not really craving much… watermelon still.. fruit salad.. freshly squeezed OJ from Cousins

BABY: baby is hanging well below my belly button and sometimes in my pelvis.. occasionally kicking? bumping around there.. seems to really float to the surface when I lie on my back and I can feel a head move across.. its the craziest feeling in the world, almost like a muscle spasm.. 

Braxton Hicks is still around.. I feel it the most when I go for a long walk.. or walk too fast on the treadmill. 

Nausea? once a day, but not as bad.. a cough usually makes it go away.. 

Energy? mostly at night.. I’m not a morning person.. its hard for me to wake up.. I wake up the minute I have to log in for work.. then I want to crash at 10-11am… then I take my nap at 2pm..then i go to bed at 11pm or midnight depending on if i watch the news. 


Week 20!! Halfway… holy sh@#$#t

halfway there.. I feel like I have a lot more to go though..

2nd trimester hasn’t really changed that much from the 1st trimester. I am still tired so I need my afternoon naps, but I was able to exercise a few times which made me happy. I don’t feel the need to puke almost all the time, just once a day. Just this week, my boobs aren’t so sore.

No indigestion! yay.. then again I am eating better since I don’t need to eat as many carbs as I did before since that was the only thing that wouldn’t make me sick.

I pee once at night, but I think it has more to do with the amount of water I drink before bed. Rolling out of bed is an ordeal, not because of the baby stomach but the giant ass snoogle pillow. I love this pillow. I feel like I am being hugged all night long.

So this baby is quite the active one, making it difficult to confirm the sex. No big deal! I didn’t want to keep that secret in for any longer than I have to.. gotta wait for the gender reveal party 🙂

Here is a picture of the baby looking like the Terminator!20140806-101621-36981511.jpg

This is my belly full of gel.. warm gel. Kinda blurry since the technician came in and was like “NO PHOTOS.”20140806-101637-36997971.jpg

Yes! This baby has arms. This is my favorite picture so far.20140806-101636-36996302.jpg

I am growing a contortionist. Who keeps their arm that high?20140806-101736-37056766.jpg

I hope this baby has long lean legs like Danny. 20140806-101734-37054312.jpgOMG and those feet.. and toes.. I’ll probably end up eating them.